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Readers Decide Series: Charlotte-Top Ten Name Popularity Profile

Writer's picture: Delphina MoonDelphina Moon

A few weeks ago, I asked my readers to vote on which three of the top ten names for each gender they prefer. After one week of voting, I gave the three most requested boy names and the three most requested girl names a popularity profile, which includes not only my predictions for the name selected, but also my opinions on how the name in question reached such a high position, the origins and meaning of the name, and the extent of time the name has claimed a spot in the elite top ten. The profiles of the reader-decided top three will be released over the course of the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for more articles regarding this series!

Joining Benjamin on the 2nd place pedestal is the classic and recently royal, Charlotte. But these two timeless treasures certainly aren’t strangers. Coincidentally, both claim #6 in the most recent data, and #2 in my reader-decided top three. However, unlike Benjamin, #6 actually pales in comparison to Charlotte’s #1 status in New Zealand and Australia. Charlotte is remarkably trendy for a name so classic and timeless, yet what propelled her to popularity is undeniable.

In the past 100 years, Charlotte has never slipped past the 400s, making her essentially timeless. However, following the turn of the century, Charlotte began to gain traction, and was slowly making her way into the top 100, which she achieved in 2007. Charlotte was steadily jumping about 10-15 spots every year, which put her on the minds of many expecting couples. And then the world met Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, making this stunning moniker, now with royal connections, red hot popular due to the famous namesake. As mentioned in the first article of the series, names with a British flare are seen as trendy right now. For Charlotte, a name already gaining in favor, the baby princess on every tabloid in the supermarket exposed parents to the classic in a positive light, upping the number of baby Charlottes. But not only did the princess help this name reach the top, the cutesy nicknames do as well. Charlie and Lottie, as well as little used Lola and Harley, all provide a sweet short form for this multi-syllabic, traditional appellation, and options for your little girl to grow into. Frankie, Georgie, and other boyish nicknames have become stylish for girls as short forms (Frances and Georgia), or as full names in their own right, so it’s not hard to see why a classic full name with a unisex and on-trend nickname could top the charts.

Now that we’ve explored the reasons behind Charlotte’s widespread popularity, I’ve determined how long it will last. Last week, I predicted that Benjamin would fall from #6. This week, I’ve got a different prediction for Charlotte. I think that the craze won’t stop, and that Charlotte’s peak won’t be #6. If I were to make an assumption, I would say that Charlotte will reach #4 next year due to her friendly nicknames and elegant full form, but it’s always hard to know for sure. However, my feelings about Charlotte are favorable, because of this name’s light, soft, and feminine sound.

~Delphina Moon

How do you feel about the name Charlotte, and what do you think the upcoming 2019 data concerning Charlotte’s popularity will reveal about this traditional name and the U.S. top ten?

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1 Comment

Elizabeth Steward
Elizabeth Steward
Jul 04, 2020

I love the name Charlotte! Like Jane, Emily, Emma, and Elizabeth, it's classic British literature association for me. Lol.

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