Welcome to the first segment of my Thanksgiving popularity series! This year, I’m going through the most popular baby names for each initial, comparing the popularity of certain initials and predicting possible popularity shifts in the future for others. To kick off this series in particular, we’re reviewing the top girl and boy names for the initials A-M, then vise-versa for N-Z names. Since some initials are vastly more popular than others, this isn’t necessarily the top ten. But, the varying popularity for each letter can actually tell us a lot about trends and favored sounds, which approaches popularity and trends in a way that we have yet to do in the Name Warehouse. I hope you enjoy this article, and stick around for more in this series, which will have 4 parts. Now, at last, let’s get started with the ABCs of popular names!
Ava- This Latin name that ranks at #3 in the US is quite the drama queen. She’s simple, deceivingly so, but is packed with old Hollywood vintage flair and an elegant femininity. The dramatic V surrounded by two palindromic As has inspired spin-offs like Avalynn, Avah, and Avery to arise in the rankings, but the matriarch of the bunch has prevailed and continues to hold the highest rank of all of the Avs. Ava comes from the Latin word avis, which means “bird.” I wonder though, if she will continue to hold strong. US trends often echo those of England and Wales, and Ava fell one spot, to #4, in recent British data. While one spot may seem insignificant, for a name in the top 3, a one spot drop can be thousands of babies less than the previous year.
Bella- A name that literally translates to “beautiful,” it’s no wonder that parents adore this name for their little girls. She was part of a movement of -bella and -ella names, a product of the very popular Isabella. While she’s never eclipsed her parent name, Isabella, she did accomplish some things, including becoming the most popular name for the letter B at #50. Her dainty and soothing sound is aided by the flowy Ls, and the often feminine ending -a pretty much seals her fate at the top of the charts. Bella’s origin story begins with Elizabeth, which was adapted in some cultures to Isobel and Isabella. From Isabella, diminutive Italian name Bella was born. For the past few years, Bella hasn’t seemed to have too much of a dramatic shift in popularity, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she stayed in the high 40s or low 50s next year as well, given that the -bella sound is just as hot as it was a few years ago.
Charlotte- Charlotte feels beautiful and sophisticated thanks to the royal connection, which has promoted her to #6. Thoroughly a modern classic, Charlotte has an elegant and historical feel while still feeling perfectly wearable for a child in the 21st century. Another big perk of Charlotte that makes her even more appropriate for a girl today is the nickname Charlie, which has also seen use as a full name. As for popularity, the buzz surrounding the Princess Charlotte has definitely died down, but I think that the classic Charlotte can uphold her #6 position without the press constantly covering the name. Since British names are often US favorites, and are always in style in America, the likes of Charlotte Bronte and Charlotte of Cambridge will also help Charlotte stay appealing and relevant to parents.
Delilah- While the biblical association may not be ideal, that certainly hasn’t held back #88 Delilah. She’s that ideal blend of sounds, borrowing the appealing Lila and adding another frilly syllable. D is an extremely rare initial to be trending at the moment, and Delilah’s L heavy qualities are what push her onto parent’s shortlists. Delilah does have a beautiful meaning though, “delicate,” and has begun to forgo the negative biblical image for one of an appropriate name for a little girl. Looking at a chart for her popularity, it’s evident that she’s gone through some upswings and plummets. However, she’s been on a roll lately over the course of a few years, so I would predict that she will take a jump into the 70s or higher in 2020 data.
Emma- Emma was recently unseated from her throne of five years. This Germanic name held the #1 spot from 2014 to 2018, but alas, gave in to Olivia after a bitter battle. Her simplistic beauty and British literary experience has kept her from falling any farther than #2 as of 2019, but she may take a nosedive in the future. Much of the names’ early popularity must be credited to the show Friends, in which one of the main characters names her daughter Emma. The name was already up and coming, but the baby on the show really pushed it over the edge and made parents consider the name. In 2001, this feminine and literary moniker ranked at a relatively high #13, the equivalent of Ella today. In 2002, she hopped to a whopping #4, and it all went up from there, at least until now. With Emma no longer ruling the top ten, it’s hard to tell where she will go next. I’m predicting that long time favorite Emma will conquer Olivia in 2020, but I can also see her staying at #2 for another year or two before she makes a move.
Faith- A traditional name with interesting sound elements and a virtuous connection, Faith is the most popular F name at #125. Faith can be interpreted in a religious way, or the perfect name for a rainbow baby, or just a lovely name that suggests a positive character value. Faith means exactly that, as she’s just the word faith popularized as a given name. The ending -th is very interesting, lulling and soft while also standing out quite a bit. Faith, while undeniably angelic and sweet in nature, has been falling for the past couple years, and I doubt anything will bring her back in style given that many parents view her as dated.
Grace- Grace is another age-old virtue word name. A timeless and elegant gem that can refer to both religious grace or gracefulness and beauty, Grace has fascinated parents over centuries. A virtue name that doesn’t feel Puritanical, but also isn’t devoid of all the word-oriented associations, Grace is a beautiful blend of wordiness and name-like qualities. Grace also is a very popular middle name, as she’s the much wanted one syllable. She ranks at #28, and is the most popular G name. Not only that, she’s often accompanied by a friendly girl-next-door nickname Gracie. Grace, though, has slowly fallen over the past 4 years, and although she does have a modern classic feel, she is becoming a tad too dated for many parents today to consider.
Harper- Harper went from zero to hero in a matter of a few years, launched from the depths of the rankings into mainstream favor in record time. Surname names for girls have been particularly hot recently, but Carter and Spencer were ‘too boy’ for many families, making the search for a feminine yet not overly so surname style name. And parents stumbled upon Harper, making her an overnight success. The main reason she was thrusted into the spotlight at first was because of the many celebabies who bore the name before an onslaught of baby Harpers were named. And it’s no wonder why Harper caught on so fast with the public. She’s nickname proof and spunky, and fits a wide variety of personalities as well. She now resides in the top ten, at #9. I can only see her going up from here.
Isla- Isla, pronounced eye-luh, lept into popularity when parents discovered her classically feminine format, vowel-consonant-consonant-A but with completely unused sounds. A Spanish name meaning “island,” Isla has grown to #57. But the numbers in the US barely compare to those overseas. Isla ranks at #2 in New Zealand, #3 in Scotland, and #4 in England and Australia, making her a very popular choice internationally. Isla feels international and exotic, the eye sound distinct and different from other vintagy four letter girl names. Given the immense popularity Isla has amassed overseas, I can only expect her to climb exponentially in the next few years.
Jasmine- Jasmine continues to hold the title of most popular name for the initial J. Although parents themselves may be answering to Jasmine as opposed to their children, the name still has an exotic flowery feel and preppy nickname Jazzy to keep her feeling fresh and new. Jasmine is Persian, and is derived from the word yasmin which represents the flower jasmine. Jasmine is holding strong across the pond, wavering in the 70s and 80s in many European countries. However, I fear that the damage has already been done and that Jasmine will continue to plummet in the US, regardless of European influence.
Kennedy- A presidential surname that has become popular among parents for their little girls, Kennedy ranks at #67. This Irish name does mean “misshapen head,” which isn’t the greatest meaning for many families, but overall, the possible honor name Ken embedded into the name and the presidential association redeems the strange meaning. Kennedy peaked in 2014, and has slowly inched down the charts, often one rank at a time. Because she doesn’t seem to have a rapid popularity trajectory, I would suppose that she would continue to slowly make her way down.
Luna- The Lou names are enough reason that this name became so popular, but the classic format sweetens that deal further. Luna is Italian, coming literally from the word for moon in Italian. She ranks at #16 at the moment, a feminine and sweet choice with adorable sounds and a mysterious and serene meaning: “moon.” Luna has done nothing but soar for about a decade now, and there’s no substantial trend shift in 2020 that appears big enough to stop such a hot name in her tracks. I have no doubts that Luna will rise in the coming years.
Mia- The -ia names haven’t been doing very well recently, so I was surprised to see Mia flourishing. However, it’s clear that Mia’s success is due in part to Amelia, a frilly feminine name that has made her sound elements a top commodity. Mia is a Scandinavian nickname for Maria, but has now become widely accepted as a short form for Amelia too. I think that Mia’s future heavily depends on Amelia’s future popularity, but I can assume that, given her past, she will fall down the charts thanks to spurts of popularity decades ago.
~Delphina Moon
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